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Subscription concerts will remain the core of Kyoto Symphony Orchestra’s activities. Additionally, CKSO will work continuously toward further artistic development through stronger performances, and through educational programs for would-be musicians offered in partnership with the Kyoto City University of Arts and other educational institutions, so as to play a leading role in Kyoto’s musical arts. Through performances outside the city and other activities, CKSO will also communicate nationally and internationally the musical strengths of Kyoto, a City of Arts and Culture.
CKSO will create richly varied programs including programs communicating the multilayered appeal of classical music, and ones involving collaboration with other branches of the arts and sciences, so that wider audiences—including both classical music fans and people new to classical music—can appreciate the unique appeal of orchestral music.
CKSO will actively participate in music education programs designed to encourage sound emotional development in children. These include music appreciation classes for elementary and junior high school students, and junior orchestras.
As an orchestra serving the community, CKSO will expand its activities beyond its home venue of Kyoto Concert Hall to include smaller ensemble performances at various locations within Kyoto City, and by travelling further afield as dictated by demand. CKSO will ensure that its music is delivered live to a wider range of members of society, including children, parents with children, and seniors.
SO will continue to provide fan-friendly services to Friends of CKSO members and other supporters, and strengthen its relationship with its fans. CKSO will also work to expand its fan base, particularly among local and overseas students studying in Kyoto, and domestic and international visitors to Kyoto.
To let more people—including non-audience members—learn about CKSO and its musicians, CKSO will actively utilize a wide range of online and other media to disseminate information about the appeal of its music and members. CKSO will also collaborate with a wide range of non-musical partners to communicate its activities in a targeted manner.
CKSO members will maintain high goals as professional musicians, constantly strive to build on their originality and performing strengths, and invest equal importance in all performances. As members of an organization, CKSO members will act responsibly in respect of its rules, prioritize its activities while balancing them with their activities as individual musicians, and constantly seek to become better members of CKSO.
Music is in itself a means of communication. CKSO will make its environment conducive to the harmony of unique individual strengths and creativity by encouraging active communication between musicians, conductors, and administrative staff members based on respect for each other and for individual views.
CKSO will seek funds from multiple sources—income from performances, grants, and donations—to supplement subsidies from Kyoto City. On top of maintaining a sound overall cost and profit balance, CKSO will work to establish a sustainable cost and profit structure to ensure it can adapt flexibly to social changes.
To ensure continued growth into the future, CKSO will, through the coordinated efforts of the Foundation and Kyoto City, become an organization that encourages the creativity and unique individual strengths of all of its musicians and administrative staff members, regardless of gender or nationality. Inclusivity, transparency, and accountability will be treated with the utmost importance, and a system for achieving an organizational operation relevant to social needs will be built.
Orchestra members, Kyoto City Music Art Cultural Promoting Foundation, and the City of Kyoto will share the progress of activities conducted toward this Vision; assess and analyze social trends and needs; and plan and implement practical measures.