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  • News ! Mazumi Tanamura appointed Solo Principal Violist of KSO !Fri, August 10, 2012

    News ! Mazumi Tanamura appointed Solo Principal Violist of KSO !

    We, the Kyoto Symphony Orchestra, are very pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Mazumi Tanamura as solo principal violist from September 1st, 2012.

    Mr. Tanamura was born in Kyoto, and after serving as principal violist of the Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, solo violist of the Yomiuri Japan Symphony Orchestra and principal violist at NHK Symphony Orchestra, he is currently principal violist (specially appointed) of the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra and a professor at the Tokyo College of Music.

    The next concert with Mr. Tanamura (The 561st Subscriptioin Concert) will take place on September 7th 2012. 

    Details in Japanese →

  • KSO CD Release : CD live Vol.2 conducted by Junichi Hirokami / On sale from February 20,2012 !Thu, February 16, 2012

    KSO CD Release : CD live Vol.2 conducted by Junichi Hirokami

    On sale from February 20,2012 !



    Live Concert 2

    KSO’s CD live 2 conducted by Junichi Hirokami (chief conductor of KSO) which was recorded on August 2011 will be released on February 20, 2012 !



    On Sale at Amazon (http://www.amazon.co.jp/ ), JEUGIA, ShimizuyaKawaramachi, Kyoto etc.

    ★Price (tax inc.) :¥1,500


    ConductorJunichi Hirokami, Chief Conductor of KSO

    Violoncello:Noboru Kamimura, Solo Cello of KSO

    Viola:Mazumi Tanamura

    Orchestra:Kyoto Symphony Orchestra

    Program:Dvořák:“Carnival”overture op.92
                 Respighi:“Roman festivals” symphonic poem
                 R. Strauss:“Don Quixote” symphonic poem op.35

    (Recorded live at the Kyoto Concert Hall on August 5th, 2011. / The 549th Subscription Concert of the KSO) 



    Support:Rohm Music Foundation

    Rohm Music Foundation supports the activities of Japanese professional orchestras.



  • KSO Original T-Shirts 2011 / On Sale on June 24th !Thu, June 23, 2011

    KSO original T-Shirts 2011 go on sale on June 24th,2011, at the Kyoto Concert Hall  !

    Let's get official KSO T-Shirts !!

    【KSO Original T-Shirts 2011】

    Size:130cm / S(GS) / M(GM) /  L(GL) / XL 

    Color: Black  / Gray  /  Red / White / Green

    Price (tax in): 130cm:¥1,300 / S-L:¥1,500  / XL:¥2,000 

    →T-Shirts design① (Black)

    →T-Shirts design② (Gray)

    →T-Shirts design③ (Red)

    →T-Shirts design④ (White)

    →T-Shirts design⑤ (Green)

  • KSO collects donations for Japan earthquake reliefMon, March 14, 2011

    We would like to extend our deepest condolences to the victims of the earthquake hit the north-east of Japan on Friday March 11th.

    We collect donations for the earthquake and tsunami victims.

    We have raised 591,221 yen in donation for victims of the earthquake and tsunami at the "Orchestra Discovery" Concert held on March 13 2011. Your donation will be sent to the Japan Red Cross Society. Donation boxes are available at the concert of KSO. Thank you very much for your cooperation !

  • KSO CD Release : 2-CD live set conducted by Junichi Hirokami / On sale from November 25,2010 !Wed, November 24, 2010

    KSO CD Release : 2-CD live set conducted by Junichi Hirokami

    On sale from November 25,2010 !



    Live Concert

    KSO’s 2-CD live set conducted by Junichi Hirokami (chief conductor of KSO) which were recorded from August 2009 to May 2010 has been announced to be released ! The release date is November 25th 2010 !


    On Sale at Amazon (http://www.amazon.co.jp/ ), JEUGIA, ShimizuyaKawaramachi, Kyoto etc.

    ★Price (tax inc.) :2,000  

    Support:Rohm Music Foundation

    Rohm Music Foundation supports the activities of Japanese professional orchestras.




    ConductorJunichi Hirokami, chef Conductor of KSO

    Orchestra:Kyoto Symphony Orchestra


    CD-1Tchaikovsky:Italian capriccio op.45

          Prokofiev:Concerto for violin and orchestra No.2 Violin solo:Yu Kurokawa

          Rachmaninov:Rhapsody on a theme by Paganini op.43 Piano solo:Hisako Kawamura

               〈Recorded live at the Kyoto Concert Hall on August 9th, 2009. / The 527th Subscription Concert of the KSO〉

    CD-2Beethoven:Symphony No.4 op.60

            〈Recorded live at the Kyoto Concert Hall on March 27th, 2010. / The 533rd Subscription Concert of the KSO〉

          Schumann:Symphony No.3 “Rheinische” op.97

           〈Recorded live at the Kyoto Concert Hall on May 21st, 2010. / The 535th Subscription Concert of the KSO〉

     ↓See Amazon's website !


  • KSO Original T-Shirts & Pencils On Sale on June 13th !Sat, June 12, 2010

    KSO original T-Shirts & Pencils go on sale on June 13th,2010,

    only at the Kyoto Concert Hall  ! Let's get official KSO T-Shirts & Pencils !!


    【KSO Original T-Shirts】

    Size:130cm / S / M / L / XL

    Color:Blue / Orange / Black

    Price (tax in): 130cm : ¥1,300 / S-L : ¥1,500  / XL : ¥2,000 


    T-Shirts design①(Black&Orange) →

    T-Shirts design② (Black&Blue) →


    【KSO Original Pencil】

    Price (tax in): 1 set (3 pencils / 2B, with an eraser on the end) : ¥300 



  • ♪Discount tickets for students and the second half of the concertTue, September 1, 2009

    Tickets can only be purchased on the day of the concert at the Kyoto Concert Hall box office. ★Tickets are subject to availability.


    Student ticket : On sale from one hour before the concert,
                            student indentification card required.
    Second half ticket : On sale from the beginning of the concert
                                 to the end of the intermission.

     Subscription Concert  S : ¥2,000  A : ¥1,500 B : ¥1,000
     Special Concert  S : ¥2,500  A : ¥2,000 B : ¥1,500

     ☆Wheelchairs : ¥3,500 (At the same price for one companion)
    Please contact the KSO (075-711-3110)

  • Nursery (Childcare Service)Tue, September 1, 2009

    The KSO provides childcare service for pre-school children from 1 to 6 years old
    (pre-reservation required , charged ¥1,000 per child)
    by professional sitters for concerts at the Kyoto Concert Hall from September, 2009.
    Please contact the KSO ( 075-711-3110 ) for the reservation.

    ※The pre-reservation is accepted to one week before a concert.